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Gut Reset and Microbiome

If gut health isn't a part of your health management or prevention plan, it's time to switch doctors! Ayurveda and Ancient Chinese Medicine stress the importance of gut health as the foundation of wellness. Every health concern stems from the gut: acne, hair loss, food sensitivity and intolerances, low immunity, anxiety, or an actual gut condition like acidity, constipation, or bloating. Our stomach is our second brain! It controls our feelings, thoughts, happiness quotient, and mental state.


We've seen how people's gut health has deteriorated over time due to various factors ranging from processed foods to chronic anxiety, overuse of medications, chemical exposure, and so on. Therefore addressing the gut and its microbiome becomes critical in every health condition. The good news is that our bodies begin to show several warning signs when our gut health is compromised because it is linked to every bodily function. If these biofeedbacks are identified and addressed appropriately, you can do much in prevention and management.


The Gut Reset is designed to look at the current state of your digestive health, understand the symptoms, and work on it from all angles. We use nutrition, emotional health, activity, sleep, and your overall lifestyle to give it a holistic perspective so that your gut and entire body are in sync.

Holistic Approach

To manage your condition, we focus on the four pillars of health: medical nutrition, adequate movement, quality sleep, and emotional well-being. This program is designed to adopt effective and preventive strategies to manage or possibly halt disease progression.

Relief and Diversity 

Within weeks, the programme has been shown to improve digestion, leaky gut symptoms, bloating, and overall gut motility. Long-term benefits include improved mood, immunity, and metabolism, as well as a more diverse gut microbiome.

Immune system regulation

The gut and your microbiome play an important role in regulating your immune system and inflammation by controlling what enters and exits the body. 70% our immune system resides in our gut microbiome and it is therefore very important to focus on immune health while healing the gut.

Strengthening the Gut-Brain Axis

Focusing on the vague to effectively address emotional and stress-related risk factors that weaken the digestive system. It is possible to improve your brain health by changing the types of bacteria in your gut using fats, pre and probiotics and polyphens.

Repair, rebuild, and restore gut microbiome health

The four R's protocol (Remove, Replace, Re-inoculate, Repair) addresses the underlying causes of imbalance while also assisting in symptom relief.

Understanding and Updating

Receive a detailed explanation of your blood reports, and why certain foods are added or subtracted to empower better decisions in the future. Personal tastes and preferences are taken into account when providing nutritional guidance. No meal plans. 

We believe everyone can benefit from intentional daily support for their gut microbiome


What is Included 

Over a 3 month period you will receive regular support:

+ Initial 60-minute medical report consultation and goal discussion
+ Eight 45-minute health coaching sessions focusing on medical nutrition, sleep, movement, and purpose

+ One 60-minute follow-up medical visit at the end to discuss progress and sustainability
+ Unlimited Whatsapp access to and support 
+ Recommended medical testing and supplements


Package Price: 30,000

Fill the contact form to purchase or set up a complimentary call to understand if this is the right package for you.

Package and Pricing

Shruti will design a personalised plan for you based on your lifestyle, medical history, medical reports, and health goals.  These plans are created with your work schedule, travel plans, ingredient availability, allergies, and other factors in mind.

Regular plan changes are shared as needed to help support your body's repair mechanisms, guiding you toward good health. All changes are made to your current routine to ensure long-term sustainability.

You are scheduled to meet Shruti (in-person or online)​ once a week to discuss progress and the next steps. 

What Our Clients Say

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Anil Agarwal

When I started with the program, I was taking medication twice a day. In only six weeks my cholestrol became normal and I reduced my statins. My HbA1C dropped from a 7 to a 5.9 in only three months.
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